So you think you’ve seen the last of PANDAS/PANS? You haven’t seen any symptoms for a long time now but can they return? Unfortunately yes, but don’t panic! Staying calm and knowing what to do when the symptoms appear is half the battle.

The last time that PANDAS was an uninvited guest in our home was the fall of 2016. My second oldest daughter was in kindergarten and it was a very rough year. A few months into the school year, her PANDAS symptoms had been rearing their ugly head worse than they ever had before. She struggled with massive separation anxiety and a compulsive need for reassurance where she would confess every little thing so that we could tell her that everything was okay. She also had to give us exactly 5 kisses on each cheek, a tap on the nose and squeeze both cheeks every time we dropped her off or put her to bed. She also experienced tantrums and there were so many tears over everything. Her world was chaos, she could not understand or deal with the confusion. She was trapped in her mind…. thinking everything she was doing was so very bad or wrong.

It took about 2 months for her to pull out of that flare. As her remedies were adjusted, her symptoms slowly dissipated until there was no sign of PANDAS. My little girl was back to her normal self and I was so relieved.

The next year was uneventful and our family sailed through cold and flu season with the regular illnesses but no flare-ups. I really thought that we had seen the last of PANDAS. In February of this year, our family came down with the flu. Read about our experience HERE. My daughter was hit pretty hard with a very high fever and painful body aches. She recovered quickly and we all went about our lives.

About 2 weeks later, the innocent questions began. ’Mommy, I think I looked at Daddy with a mean face…Is that okay? I think I should apologize.’,‘Mommy, I grabbed the baby’s hand but I think I grabbed it too hard, is he okay?’, ‘Mommy, I think I said a bad word but I’m not sure if I said it or just thought it. I need to put myself in time out.’ The confessions continued and then came the meltdowns over minor things and she could not turn her brain off. PANDAS was back.

Have you ever wondered why on holistic or homeopathy websites you can often see a photo of a stack of rocks balancing precariously? That is because homeopathy is all about keeping the body in balance. Looking back over the past 6 months, there have been many factors that could have caused my daughter to become imbalanced. We moved into a new home, our oldest daughter and her two children were staying with us for a few months, we have been a bit relaxed with her diet and she had a serious mold exposure for a few days on top of getting the flu. All of these things could have worn her down…depleted her energy and made her more susceptible to a flare.

The first thing I did was give her a dose of her constitutional remedy. I then thought of what remedies she needed the last time she presented these same exact symptoms which were Stramonium and Strep Pyogenes. (Please keep in mind that this is what worked for my daughter and her symptom picture. Everyone’s symptom picture is unique and needs different remedies) I had her sway test the remedies to confirm which potency would be best for her. To learn more about sway testing, a method of muscle testing, click HERE to check out this post from my friend and colleague, Angelique Mercier.

I then dissolved a few pellets of each of the remedies into two small cups of about 2 ounces of water and had her sip them over the next 30 minutes. I noticed a few hours later that her need to ’confess’ had started subsiding and was not as frequent. Over the next few weeks, I would give her another dose as I would see the symptoms start creeping back up. Her remedies were bringing her back into balance slowly and gently.

Now not all children will respond so quickly but as you continue to use homeopathy, you will notice that it becomes easier and easier to restore that balance. The beauty of homeopathy is the ability to tailor each protocol to your specific child. It is not a one size fits all approach and it takes into consideration what makes your child unique. I do know though that at some point, we will be able to say goodbye to PANDAS for good but for now, I’m thankful that I have homeopathy to help pull her through and restore harmony.

If you are interested in using homeopathy to restore harmony and balance in your children or yourself, feel free to contact me for a free 15 minute consultation to answer any questions you may have.